I don't have much time so I am not being exact but will get you all the scripture you need this evening if you like so don't hold me to perfection this is all just off the top of my head
Satan hasn't died, he is being held by Michael in heaven accusing day and night until the war in heaven and he and his angels are cast to earth where he will have but a short time. the hour of temptation. At the beginning of the Lords day he will be bound and put in the pit where people will ask " is this the man that deceived the world" and he will be loosed a short time at the end of the millennium to deceive who he can and at the end of that will be cast into the lake of fire. The angels are also being held and none will die until the end of the millennium when the lake of fire appears at the great throne judgment. God is the God of the living not the dead. No one has died, just left their flesh corruptible bodies and put on their incorruptible bodies. If you do not understand the beginning you can not understand the end. Tell me, when did Satan go bad? Why is God telling Job that as He was creating the earth that all the sons and stars shouted for joy and sang in the morning?
Satan hasn't died, he is being held by Michael in heaven accusing day and night until the war in heaven and he and his angels are cast to earth where he will have but a short time. the hour of temptation. At the beginning of the Lords day he will be bound and put in the pit where people will ask " is this the man that deceived the world" and he will be loosed a short time at the end of the millennium to deceive who he can and at the end of that will be cast into the lake of fire. The angels are also being held and none will die until the end of the millennium when the lake of fire appears at the great throne judgment. God is the God of the living not the dead. No one has died, just left their flesh corruptible bodies and put on their incorruptible bodies. If you do not understand the beginning you can not understand the end. Tell me, when did Satan go bad? Why is God telling Job that as He was creating the earth that all the sons and stars shouted for joy and sang in the morning?
God told Adam, the moment he eats of the tree, he will die. die he not die spiritually?
Satan is dead as we speak. His soul may be consious yet that will continue forever. In this case one could day everyone has eternal life.
But is that what God promised us?
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