Your problem is you are looking at the keeping as if it's by the merit of works, as if salvation is payment owed you for righteous work. It's not.
You keep the free gift by continuing to trust in and rely on the message of forgiveness you first heard. That's how you received the free gift of life, that is how you will keep it.
This is no more true than you being left on your own by your parents to learn how to walk.
The free gift is eternal life.
You have a down payment of that life in you through faith in Christ. As long as you have the down payment of eternal life in you through continued trust and belief in Christ it guarantees that you'll get the rest of it later. That's why you should keep that down payment through continued trust in Christ until the time comes when He gives the rest of the promise to those who are trusting him for it.
You keep the free gift by continuing to trust in and rely on the message of forgiveness you first heard. That's how you received the free gift of life, that is how you will keep it.
This is no more true than you being left on your own by your parents to learn how to walk.
The free gift is eternal life.
You have a down payment of that life in you through faith in Christ. As long as you have the down payment of eternal life in you through continued trust and belief in Christ it guarantees that you'll get the rest of it later. That's why you should keep that down payment through continued trust in Christ until the time comes when He gives the rest of the promise to those who are trusting him for it.
It contradicts itself. And can not be trusted.
Its states sakvation is a GIFT as LONG AS WE DO SOMETHING
Thats not a gift, Thats giving someone something, then asking for payment if they want to continue to keep the gift. Meaning it Was never a gift in the first place.
Its like giving your kid a car. You made the down payment on the load. Now your kid has to continue to belief and in doing so. Make the payment, or the gift will be lost.
Its only a gift, if you paid for it in full. And give the gift with no strings attached. Out of love.
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