I think a big issue people have is they look at sin in man's view. and fail to see sin from Gods point of view.'
Adam ate from a fruit. That one act caused the fall of mankind and the fall of this earth. Thats how much God hates sin
James said if you keep the whole law. yet just stumble in one your guilty of all.. In other words, If you stumble and bear false witness by just a little white lie, you just as guilty as if you murdered someone.
The penalty of sin is death.. Not just some sins. Not just little sins. But every sin, no matter how small.
Its hard for us as humans to imagine That a morally upright person in our view is just as a decrepit, guilty sinner as the mass murderer, Both worthy of eternal death, because all have sinned and fall short.
When God looks at Mother Theresa, Your pastor. Paul. Daniel David. Hitler, Stalin, Jeffrey Daumer, God is not going to look at a few righteous people and a few sinners. He will see them all as sinners who have earned eternity in hell. who could never earn the right to heave, because they have all sinned.
It will be only those who have been given Christs righteousness through the gift of life as given by Grace through faith that will be saved,
Not those who stop sin, or do not do these sins, or those who endure.. Everyone is guilty, And until a person becomes like the tax collector. they will remain guilty..
Adam ate from a fruit. That one act caused the fall of mankind and the fall of this earth. Thats how much God hates sin
James said if you keep the whole law. yet just stumble in one your guilty of all.. In other words, If you stumble and bear false witness by just a little white lie, you just as guilty as if you murdered someone.
The penalty of sin is death.. Not just some sins. Not just little sins. But every sin, no matter how small.
Its hard for us as humans to imagine That a morally upright person in our view is just as a decrepit, guilty sinner as the mass murderer, Both worthy of eternal death, because all have sinned and fall short.
When God looks at Mother Theresa, Your pastor. Paul. Daniel David. Hitler, Stalin, Jeffrey Daumer, God is not going to look at a few righteous people and a few sinners. He will see them all as sinners who have earned eternity in hell. who could never earn the right to heave, because they have all sinned.
It will be only those who have been given Christs righteousness through the gift of life as given by Grace through faith that will be saved,
Not those who stop sin, or do not do these sins, or those who endure.. Everyone is guilty, And until a person becomes like the tax collector. they will remain guilty..
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