An analogy of Salvation
Consider a car. If there is no carburetor there is no mixing of gas and air, and if there is no spark plug there is no explosion. In this analogy that explosion is faith. Mixing the gas and air is the hearing of faith that comes by the word of God. The written word in this analogy is the gasoline in the tank and the gas air mixture is the pneuma that is spoken to your heart. That spark that turns that word to faith is from the Spirit speaking to your heart. If you want to call that explosion in your pistons "salvation" that is fine. The car does not move without that explosion. You can't see it. It happens deep within the engine which is under the hood.
You could sit in the drivers seat and turn the wheel and step on the pedals and nothing will happen without that explosion in your pistons. This is what is meant that you are saved by faith not by works.
However, you can see the car moving, you can see the truck hauling stuff, you can see the Lord's will being done on earth as it is in heaven, this is the work being done by the car, evidence that there is that explosion going on in the pistons (faith).
Now who would want a car that didn't have steering wheel, or an accelerator or brake or guages that tell you the speed, gas tank, etc. Driving the car is the work of faith. You can tell me all you want about how great this car is, if I can't drive it then all your talk is nothing but a lie.
this is a poor explanation.
a more pure explanation would be we are lost in the ocean. Drowning, and without hope. we are poor in spirit (bankrupt) and if nothing is done we will drown. once we drown (die) we have no hope of salvation all hope is lost.
God in his love, has sent a savior. He is there begging with us, pleading with us, to let him save us.. But he will not force himself on us.
Sadly. many people do not realize they are drowning, and go on living as they always have.. they don't need a savior
yet others know they are drowning, But think they can still save themselves. or refuse in pride to allow the savior to save them. without their help. they have to add something to save themselves (we call these works)
still others say they believe the savior can save them, and they ask. but they do not really trust the savior.. so they ignore the savior and just go around playing like they are saved when they are not.
To those who actually sit still. stop working, and allow God to save them. God removed them from the water and the storm and puts them on dry land. These people are saved (completely) and they are adopted as Gods children. Out of appreciaion for what God did, They praise him, and they do things that are pleasing to him, because they are grateful for all God did removing them from certain death, and giving them eternal life. These people work. because God saved them, they are not out in the ocean drowing and trying to save themselves. because they have eternal life. it is based on this knowledge as john said, that they continue to believe and trust in him, because they KNOW where they came from.