I saw a boy who worked at Walmart and he had a cast on his leg. I heard a voice that said go heal him.. Then another voice said you can't heal him.... Went to the boy anyway asked him what happen he said he chip the bone on the back of his foot pulling the stocking cart.. After that commanding healing In his foot and he start banging it against the floor and walking on it and said he feels no pain... Then I told him Jesus loves him and left
Let me tell you about another friend I have God speaks to him also. Told him to make a Right Turn to take a differnt route there was and wreck on the other route and he felt he would have been in it he not taken the other route. This is not think rational. Its wanting God to do something Special in our lives. I have had Cancer at 35 I am not 66, I have had By-pass at 48. Another type of Cancer at 55. Did God do something special for me? I don't know, I do know I am not going to come here and tell everyone that God worked in my life. I AM Special! God can do anything. But, we have Prayer and the Bible that is it. Its by our faith and knoweldge of Him, we obey Him and with no strings attached. He give us salvation what more could we want?