- Schools of Prophets (1 Kings 20:35; 2 Kings 2:3-15;4:1,38;9:1)
There was accountability, there was sitting under more mature prohpets to learn and be trained, and the prophets of GOD, came against the false prophets AS false prophets...they did not approve false prophets.
Did you really think someone coudl just decide to be a prophet without any accountability to those that already known as prophets of God? Elisha sat under Elijah, Samuel under Eli. There are others.
You do misunderstand or read something into the question that is not the intent.
Perhaps I do not understand your intent, because I do not find in scripture that prophets were ever appointed by men and accountable by peers.
I see your point in saying the younger sat under the mature. While you point out they are accountable to the mature and to peers, my intent was to say ALL prophets are of God's choosing and not of a man and they are all accountable to God. No one human can decide to be a prophet or to choose a prophet. God alone appoints a true prophet, even so in the NT. The underlings you speak of, are still appointed by God, and not chosen by a man who is God's prophet. God is only the one all the prophets were accountable to and not as you say accountable to men who taught them or schooled them. I see no free-will in the prophets appointed by God and that is ALL the prophets, even the younger.
The entirety of all this is God chose, God appointed, God spoke through, God accomplishes His purpose in all things.
False prophets are, as already stated, are not appointed by God and are wolves in sheeps clothing.