Very well, let us continue.
While the events surrounding his birth were extra-ordinary, there was nothing in the natural process of human growth and development that went beyond the realm of normal human experience. Only the conception was exceptional.
1. He was conceived in a human egg. This was a natural, biological conception, but from a non-natural source – the Holy Spirit, Luke 1:31,35.
2. He underwent the normal human gestation period in the womb, Luke 2:6.
3. His was a normal birth. He was an infant with everything it implied, Luke 2:6-7.
4. Mary underwent the normal, ceremonial sacrificial purification required for women after childbirth according to the Law of Moses, Luke 2:27-32.
5. At the same time, Jesus was presented to the Lord at the temple according to the Law of Moses, which required the firstborn male of both man and beast to be dedicated to the Lord, Luke 2:27-32.
6. At this time, he underwent the normal ritualistic circumcision at eight days old according to the Abrahamic covenant and the Law of Moses, Luke 2:22-27.
1. He experienced the normal growth process of all human children, Luke 2:40-42.
2. He demonstrated normal youthful indiscretions, Luke 2:43-49. This behavior represents normal adolescent reasoning and behavior.
3. He demonstrated the normal inquisitive nature of a pre-teen child, Luke 2:46-50. Listening to the teachers in the temple - He was hungry for knowledge and understanding.- Asking questions, looking for answers (perhaps about the afore-mentioned Passover proceedings). As a part of the human collective, he is not omnipotent. As a child his understanding came by way of instruction in the Law, not inspiration. This speaks well of parental influence. Even his answers astonished the teachers.
4. Submissiveness to his parents, Luke 2:51. He was obedient to them.
5. Normal process of physical and spiritual development - He increased in wisdom.- He grew in favor with God and man. This reflects a conscious effort.
1. He met all human obligations of the Law, Matthew 3:15.
2. He was attested by the Father and the Spirit to be the bio-representation of God.
3. He received the Holy Spirit as a man. This follows the same pattern as all of the prophets of the Old Testament, John 1: 32-34; 4:14.
4. He endured temptation as a man, Matthew 4:1-4 and Luke 4:1-13.
5. He died as a man, Matthew 27:50.