You are adding to Jesus' words here. He never said that a married man looking on a woman lustfully commits adultery. He said Everyone who looks at a woman to lust after her commits adultery. That includes unmarried men as well.
You know there is no excuse for misquoting Scripture here. How hard is it to go look things up on
Having more than one wife is against the law in some countries, but this is really more of an "is ought" fallacy. It ought to be against the law to marry a second or third woman without your first wife's (or wives') knowledge and consent. If the first wife knowingly gives consent, it really should not be the government's business how many wives a man has. If she gives consent, she has already dealt with the jealousy aspect. Jealousy is one of the acts of the sinful nature, and having lived in a monogamous marriage for 15 years now, I can assure you that jealousy is not unique to polygamy.
In your closing statement you resort to another logical fallacy known as "Argument from Personal Disgust". There may be problems with polygamy that most people are incapable of being able to handle, but that "sack full of problems" is probably not as bad as you might imagine, and that sentiment cannot be applied universally to everyone. Have you had any discourse or conversation of any sort with an actual polygamist, or are you just pulling that remark out of thin air? The fact is, there are many problems that can be solved by polygamy. Any serious research on your part would have cleared that up for you. My Great-Grandfather for instance, left his first wife for the maid. He later left her for the next maid. Two broken homes as a direct result of strict adherence to monogamy, disobeying Jesus' clear directive about divorce and remarriage. The end result: his son, my grandfather, committed suicide when his marriage started to fall apart. He himself, had engaged in marital infidelity, prompting my grandmother to demand that he leave his career in the military. He could not find a decent civilian job, so he went back to the military. Instead of putting his children through a divorce like he had been through, he took his own life. I don't think it is a leap of logic to understand, that if it had not been for this Roman Catholic dogma that you are clinging to, he could have married however many wives he desired, and there would have been no threat to his career or marriage. Hypocrites who look the other way when a man leaves his wife for another, but will shun a family which practices polygyny, will have to answer to God for this.
The only Biblical text you referred to in your response, was a misquotation of our Lord Jesus Christ. I urge you not to take our Savior's words, and twist them to say what you want Him to say. That is a clear case of Eisegesis! It is imperative of a follower of Christ to "Rightly handle the Word of Truth." It may be excused when an unbeliever does so, but not one who claims to follow Christ.