claiming and sharing some little information
about what is written in the holy scripture
were different aspect of motivation :happy:
most of us who believed in god
read the holy book which suitable to their understanding!
although i used a different version of bible,
everybody is welcome to used what version of bible they used
freely recieved, freely given
someone gave me a bible, a 10 year old boy
i ask if there is bible can be freely given because
that was written in the scriptures
everyone here saw the importance of values
coming from this thread
which is trying to imposed to each and everyone.
how come the lord jesus christ our savior
the only begotten son of god the father almighty
choiced those sinners to be his apostles?
i was so ignorant before
but when that so called near death experienced
everything was change!
and everything became so clear
that this life of ours depends only to god
who is good and does not lie
what is life, if
that life was meant only
to live for himself,
for his own reason and for his own
gaining profitable reasons.
i am not in the position to judged them
for only our lord god the truth
that we seek in him has the power
to all this things
visible and invisible to our naked eye.
by the way prophets are also known as
slaves or servants in human form intended to bring
messages to all believers and non belivers
of god.
Revelation of John 22:9
And he said to me, “See, do not! For I am your fellow servant, and of your brothers the prophets, and of those who are guarding the words of this book. Worship Elohim.”
about what is written in the holy scripture
were different aspect of motivation :happy:
most of us who believed in god
read the holy book which suitable to their understanding!
although i used a different version of bible,
everybody is welcome to used what version of bible they used
freely recieved, freely given
someone gave me a bible, a 10 year old boy
i ask if there is bible can be freely given because
that was written in the scriptures
everyone here saw the importance of values
coming from this thread
which is trying to imposed to each and everyone.
how come the lord jesus christ our savior
the only begotten son of god the father almighty
choiced those sinners to be his apostles?
i was so ignorant before
but when that so called near death experienced
everything was change!
and everything became so clear
that this life of ours depends only to god
who is good and does not lie
what is life, if
that life was meant only
to live for himself,
for his own reason and for his own
gaining profitable reasons.
i am not in the position to judged them
for only our lord god the truth
that we seek in him has the power
to all this things
visible and invisible to our naked eye.
by the way prophets are also known as
slaves or servants in human form intended to bring
messages to all believers and non belivers
of god.
Revelation of John 22:9
And he said to me, “See, do not! For I am your fellow servant, and of your brothers the prophets, and of those who are guarding the words of this book. Worship Elohim.”
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