yes about 60% of the manuscripts in the dead sea scrolls conform to the masoretic tradition over the septuagint...while only about 5% of them agree with the septuagint against the masoretic tradition
What is your source for this assertion?
To make a blanket statement that the Masoretic Text (MT) is always right, or is superior to the Septuagint (LXX) is unwise and wrong. Neither is perfect. Sometimes the LXX is right, sometimes the MT. Each must be evaluated in light of available evidence to discern the truth.
For example, it is now proven that the LXX rendering of Zechariah 14:5 is correct, and the MT version is wrong (search the Internet for
zechariah + azal + yasul, or see
Deciphering Zechariah 14:5). It is now common knowledge in Jerusalem that Azal, the location mentioned in Zechariah 14:5, is the valley immediately south of Mount Zion and the Hinnom Valley, that is called Nahal Azal in Hebrew and Wady Yasul in Arabic (nahal and wady both mean stream, or valley). For examples of this see (item titles link to respective websites):
- An American Girl in Jerusalem (3rd paragraph): "This [photo shows] the Azel Valley mentioned in Zechariah 14:5 in reference to the earthquake that occurred during King Uzziah's reign around 760 B.C."
- City of David Jerusalem Segway Tour Company (2nd paragraph): "At the foot of the ridge is the deep channel of Atzal River (Zechariah 14:5), which advances toward the Kidron Valley. Its Biblical name was preserved by the Arabs as Wadi Yasul"
- Wikipedia: Jerusalem Peace Forest: [The Jerusalem Peace Forest] was a location of the biblical Etsel river mentioned in the book of Zechariah (Zechariah 14:5) (currently only a riverbed is left in place)"
The fact that Azal lies due
south of both Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives renders the MT version impossible. which requires that people flee
east from Jerusalem through the Mt of Olives to Azal.
Conversely, Genesis 7:11 states that Noah’s flood began on the 17th day in the MT; yet the flood began on the 27th day in the LXX. In this case, based on the following reasoning, it appears that the MT is correct.
- In the MT, the ark rested on the third day of the 7-day festival of Tabernacles, which is the 7th festival (or appointed time) of YHWH. The number 7 always signifies rest from labor. This seems very significant.
- The MT states that the the ark rested in the 17th day (שבעה־עשר יום
of the month (Genesis 8:4). However, the LXX states that the ark rested on the 27th of the month. The Hebrew word for 17 is spelled שבעה־עשר; and the Hebrew word for 27 is spelled שבעה־עשרים. Notice that the only difference between the Hebrew spelling of 27 and the Hebrew spelling of 17th day is one letter, the letter vav (ו
that is the middle letter of the Hebrew word for day (יום
. Also notice that the word day is missing in the LXX. So it appears that the translanslators of the LXX read 17th day as 27, and translated it as such.
God wants us to place our faith in a perfect being, not a perfect book (which doesn't even exist).