What is theright interpertation of son of gods and daughter of men???
So in context the sons of god were Seth's lineage who lived in a separate place than Cain's city on the east of Eden and who married the daughters of Cain's people because as mentioned in Chapter 4 they were fair. This is the most simple interpretation based on context.
There were giants in the land in those days. Also after the sons of god (the godly men in Seth's camp) corrupted their ways by going over to Cain's camp and marrying their daughters (those people who lived in that place where Cain was thrust out from the presence of the Lord) then they had children. These children did not become Nephilim or giants since that had already been mentioned. These children became mighty men of renown and when these sons of god saw the daughters of men that they were fair and took them wives of all which they chose then God said My spirit shall not always strive with men because he is flesh. By stating that it makes it clear that these were men and not angels.
Reading it in context with no one to confuse you it is obvious that the sons of god are Seth's clan that began to call upon the name of the Lord as the Hebrew can be translated that way or also call themselves by the name of the Lord either translation is correct.
Now Jesus commented on this verse when he said "as in the days of Noah men were marrying.. until the flood came and took them away" Therefore Jesus by saying this was interpreting Gen 6 as men marrying not angels. Those that heard Jesus make this reference would have understood him to be referring to this verse "the sons of god saw the daughters of men and took them wives of all which they chose and God sent the flood after this and so there is no other verse he could be referencing when he said they were marrying before the flood. It is obvious that Jesus commented on this verse and said it was what men were doing, not angels.
Since we have Jesus commenting on this verse as men marrying, then we can stop wondering if they were men or not.
The theological truth to learn and apply is to be separate from the world, live holy and seek the Lord and don't fellowship or marry the ungodly because they will cause you to fall away and not be ready when the Lord Jesus Comes again in judgment for the ungodly.
That truth is still applicable. Angels marrying women and having giant babies is not applicable. It has no real life application. Not backsliding by marrying ungodly people, or fellowshipping with ungodly people does have a real life application all the way through the bible until the very last book.
The reason that the angel myth should be strongly rebuked is that it keeps people from thinking about the real lesson that should be taken to heart and applied to their lives today and every day. At the dawn of human history this root problem was exposed. We are in a fallen world and we are required to resist the crowd that would have us join them in evil. Stay separate, call upon the name of the Lord, live a counter culture to the evil around you. Be ready for the coming of the Lord. Don't have a girl friend or boy friend that is not 100 percent sold out to Jesus. NO MISSIONARY DATING. and many other real life applications are connected to the lesson here from the beginning of human history. There is a separation from Light and Dark, Day and Night, Godly and ungodly. Choose sides and don't compromise.
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