How can you define the scriptures about rest to exclude what God tells us about our body needing rest from our labors one day a week. To rest in the lord is an entirely completely different subject, if you mix them up you are distorting the word of God.
The rituals God gave is another example. You don't throw out what the rituals were to lead to because you are told to use another way to be led.
Galatians 3:3 Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?
Only Christians understand Paul. Because Christians have come to Christ and received Rest.
It all hinges on this point.
And God doesn't tell us about our body needing rest from our labours one day a week. The 10 Commandments COMMAND a day of rest on the seventh day. This was a shadow of what was to come and what we would receive in Christ.
If it were so important for the body to rest on Saturdays why wasn't Adam commanded to do so?
Because you don't have to tell anybody when they need physical rest. The body tells the person when they need physical rest. Kind of a no-brainer. Like being commanded to breathe.