In 'Chapter 6, verse 20 - 21, Paul talks to Timothy of 'oppositions to science falsely so called'.
Can anyone clarify what the meaning of this is? I really can't understand it at all.
Can anyone clarify what the meaning of this is? I really can't understand it at all.
First of all, let's notice the two different translations of this verse. The KJV: 1Ti 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: The ASB: O Timothy, guard that which is committed unto thee, turning away from the profane babblings and oppositions of the knowledge which is falsely so called;
Note the changes in RED. Particularly the change from "science" to "knowledge". In this particular case, the ASB does a better job than KJV. The Greek word here, is the word translated into the English "to know" or "knowledge".
However, to give this verse an even better understanding, in our modern English, I would translate it like this: O Timothy, keep safe that which is committed to you, turning away from useless discussions and opposition from so-called knowledge which is untrue; In the next verse, we can see that this false or untrue knowledge concerns the faith. So these useless discussions have led some to heretical beliefs and this is why Timothy is being admonished to keep the True Gospel, as Paul and others had given it to him, safe.
This false knowledge, would be considered everything, from worldly philosophy to scientific arguments, as directed against or opposed to, the Truth of God's Word. For example, in todays world, many may believe a certain thing but a show of hands does not make it true. In another example, a popular bumper sticker used to say: GOD SAID IT - I BELIEVE IT - THAT SETTLES IT. This is a sly but untrue statement. The truth, that in this case needs to be guarded is this: GOD SAID IT - THAT SETTLES IT. God's Truth is God's Truth regardless of who does or does not believe it.
Hope this helps.
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