hahahahhaahahhahhahahahahha......wow......ignorance alert......Pharisees and Romans were not THE CHURCH....your Swaggertism blinds you to many truths man.....a disciple of a man peddling a false man's religion
The Roman authorities who held sway over what was left of the nation of Israel, (i.e. the tribe of Judah, & Benjamin), imposed their republic & religious law over the laws from the Torah. And the religious authorities of what was left of, the nation of Israel (all 12 tribes) were deprived of their authority to exercise law, to exert capital punishment upon sinners, or criminals. They had to establish their case in the Sanhedrin, but then they had to present the case before the Roman authorities (i.e., like Pilate) in order to execute somebody. Christ did not rail, against & argue with sinners/repentant or not, but with the Self-righteous/Holier-Than-Thou religious authorities in power at that time. It has nothing to do with stupid Jimmy Swaggert!!!
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