After all those posts that I don't think helped anyone with understanding the ways of the Lord, have we come ahead at all about the blessings that polls say the Jewish race has?
It seems to me that God will not save them based on their works. They were saved in sleep before Bethlehem through symbolic Christ, now most deny that. I think it their works bring on a result of those works in the fleshly world. It is part of the spiritual law that our world is run by. The eternal part of the old covenant tells us this is true. Under the old covenant, it took blood given on the altar for salvation, works did not bring it about, but work was rewarded in this life.
I think to as an example, to love God above all things has a fleshly reward, just as to hate people has a fleshly reward. It is like if you rob a bank and steal you get a reward--you go to jail. That is true for the Christian and for those who are not Christian. Those who Christ forgives is does not face eternal death, those who don't ask forgiveness face eternal death, but the earthly reward for the crime is the same for both.
I think the world is run by God's spiritual law.