MPW Blond is NOT LEAVING much to the dismay of the US crowd....From the sound of things I will be having coffee with OH all by myself tomorrow morning.....Sad as that may be....Someone has to have the courage to stay and hold the torch of LOVE up HIGH showing that Jesus is the King of my heart.
I have been called so many names and condemned to hell and then there was that demon thing one time....that I will repeat what I wrote a long time ago in a thread.....
You can call me names I will call you Brother and Sister in Christ.... It is not my fault if you can't act like an adult when someone disagrees with you. We are all on different rungs of the ladder with the same goal of being with Jesus someday.
Our enemy is not each other as satan is hell bent on getting us to fight among ourselves.....Our real enemy is the devil, himself who is probably pretty pleased right now that the good ones are making an Exodus faster than I can type and try to encourage them to stay.
The enemy will not chase me away because I have a Redeemer who is much stronger than he is and our enemy is a DEFEATED FOE....doomed to destruction which can't be soon enough for this Blond.... But in pity for the human life that might be snatched from the pit of hell.....Blond will carry on speaking the message of LOVE and JESUS SOON RETURN......
Get ready folks it does not get any easier from here.... What is that Bible verse?....If you can't walk with the foot soldiers how do you expect to keep up with the horses?
To all leaving for a rest....I love you all and will sorely miss you. Please return soon refreshed.....God Bless You all... Love Blond
Don't leave please or I will cry! I've been at our cottage a lot and I am sorry that I haven't been on here lots lately, but I am going there again tomorrow til Wednesday cuz hubs has time off and I promise that I will log on there to chat while on my cell!

You are my Christian family and although I don't know you all personally, you are still my brother's and sister's and you have made me feel so great and alive and have filled me up with so much happiness and love!!!!!
Please don't go anywhere anyone! I beg you!!!!!