I think I just committed infanticide 
I'm in the middle of cleaning the bathroom and I pulled up the rubber shower
mat and found a big mummy spider with lots of tiny spidetts.
Im all for vacuuming up big spiders usually but because she's a mummy I didn't
have the heart to. So I took the bath mat outside to flick them onto a plant outside.
My flicking technique was a little flawed however and I think I've squashed them
I'm in the middle of cleaning the bathroom and I pulled up the rubber shower
mat and found a big mummy spider with lots of tiny spidetts.
Im all for vacuuming up big spiders usually but because she's a mummy I didn't
have the heart to. So I took the bath mat outside to flick them onto a plant outside.
My flicking technique was a little flawed however and I think I've squashed them