I like this topic ,,,,i'm just not sure people know there own mind ,,,so can we even speak our own mind if we dont know our own minds ??? my minds a mess and i'm thick and stupid i never know whats going on ,,,people have to tell me whats going on ,,,here are a few of my issues ,,, we are told the world is round ,,YET we are told to spread the word of God to all 4 corners of the world !!! O^O what really ?? so is it round or not ,,, this is where i get so lost ,,,then we are told to reach up to heaven as high as we can with our feet on the ground ??? you see i'm just not that tall O^O ,,,, then we and told to speak from the heart ,,,and think before you speak ,,,now i'm lost O^O ,,,, as you can see i clearly need help ,,,YES ?? life can be so hard when we only have half a mind ,,, yet the world politicians mange it well ,,,,for me i get lost o.o ,,,speak your mind you say ,,,,if i do that i could get banned ,,, its like my dad he put 3 spades on the ground and told me to take my pick !!!! there was no pick there to take !!! see thats why i need help !!! life just passes me by like some by waiting on a bus thats already been a gone !!!! lost thats me no idea whats going on ,,,, we are told the speach is only silver and something else is Gold not sure what that is so think you for this link but i dont think its much help to me ,,,,,,
Don't try to figure it out. You'll hurt yourself. Trust me on this one.