hope everybody is having a great sunday
Welllllllllllll... you probably wouldn't think so (

...but I had a great time cooking all day. I made a crockpot of homemade spicy refried beans, a huge stew pot of chicken & rice vegetable soup, and I cooked up some garbanzo beans to make humus later when the beans cool down. I'm also gonna cook some hard boiled eggs later as well to add to tuna fish for tuna rolls ups this week.
I decided to do all this cooking today because the weather channel said it will be in the 100's this week. So now I won't have to cook in a hot kitchen the rest of this week, just heat stuff up. See? There's method to my madness.

Although my son is in the kitchen as I type and I hear a fork clinking happily against a plate. I hope he doesn't eat half the food before I have a chance of putting it away.