Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry. Looking for a female yellow kitty?
Yup, still holding out for an orange one. Though I'm having problems finding kittens of ANY color.

My biggest obstacle is transportation to go get them. I do have a lead on someone who MAY have some calicos and/or orange kittens though.

I saw an orange kitten on craigslist, and it looked soooooooooooo much like Tequila, same dark orange fur with the sworls, so I contacted the person. Turned out she was a scammer cuz she immediately deleted her post, removed the pictures and never contacted me.

Strange thing is, she posted another ad for a different kitten five minutes later so I dunno...
Anyhoo, God has a pair of kittens out there SOMEWHERE just for me. I'd be in ecstasy if I could get TWO orange kittens.