I completely missed this post last night, and saw it for the first time just a few minutes ago
Well, I have had "talks" with people who claim it is a sin to identify as a sinner once you are saved. When pressed, they will admit they do still sin and do repent of those sins, but that their identity is in their new self, as if somehow the flesh had simply vanished in a puff of lavender haze, and they are living in their glorified bodies... and of course then one is left with the distinct impression of a major contradiction in their stance, for clearly they admit to being a sinner, though they continue to tell others it is a sin to identify that way. It is a bit of a conundrum, and yes, I see both sides, the one side saying, oh you are telling people to go out and sin all they want, when no such thing is ever said, and the other side claiming that following rules is what the so-called legalists hang their salvation on, when that is never said or promoted, either, for we are saved by grace through faith, and it is a gift of God. The issue becomes really clear in the discussions around homosexuals, when people will say it is a sin simply to identify as being gay, completely aside from acting out on that sexual orientation. I find such declarations to be ridiculous quite frankly.
Me identifying or being classified as heterosexual does not in any way mean I am going to go out and engage in sinful sexual activities any more than someone identifying as homosexual does.
I hope that helps clear it up a little for you 
I am off for now, see you all later![QUOTE]
Okay, thanks...a little, I think, lol.
I brought up the 'yous say go sin all you want' false accusations by some, more as a separate example, not necessarily to be in combination with the 'we already have glorified bodies' statement, but I see the confusion, I should have been clearer.
I HAVE seen people (almost exclusively the same 2 or 3 people) make the accusation that people who proclaim the gospel of salvation by grace are preaching lawlessness, and they've had to spend countless posts refuting that accusation.
My point was, what I haven't seen (YET) is people claiming that it's like we already have glorified bodies (as a separate issue or claim) so I'll have to keep a sharper eye out for those posts so I can try to have a discussion with them and find out why they would think that.
Anyway, this isn't the thread for this, so I probably shouldn't have mentioned it, and just wait for that issue to come up in other discussions.
Thanks, and sorry all, for the sidetrack.