Did you know?
The Turks and Caicos Islands were discovered by Turkish explorers? When they arrived, they found the Caico Natives, and these Natives were so friendly, kind, and receptive, that the Sailors were pleasantly surprised. Struck by the beauty of the Islands, and the warmth of the Natives, the Sailors established a Colony there. They sent word home about their discovery, and called this new found Paradise the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Now, given that the Sailors were so far from, and the Native women so beautiful, nature took it's course, and they began to intermarry and have children. These mixed blood children were first referred to as Kircos....a cross between Turk and Caico. As the years past, and the population of mixed peoples grew, TWO THINGS occurred. They realized that these people had a natural desire to EXPLORE, and that they began to be referred to as Kirks. Given their roots, it should be no surprised that they became some of the most famous Explorers of all time.
The most famous of these was James T. Kirk. He went where no man had gone before!