About 2 weeks ago I was talking with my friend outside church. I was twirling my umbrella (a tick I guess) and this white lady with a European accent who was walking by basically accused me of wanting to hit her with my umbrella. She went on, I looked at my friend and we were both stunned, she was out her mind. She called me crazy and something like that. Then she told me "If you were to go back to Mexico, what would they think of you'. The heck I thought. I told her I'm not Mexican (my mom is Dominican, my dad is Puerto Rican so she probably assumed every Hispanic looking person was Mexican), she then told me so what "village" do you come from. I was lost for words, I told her I belong to no village I was born in America. She said "so you don't belong to no village", I said not obviously. She went on about it and then she left shaking her head. I looked at my friend both shocked and we both laughed later because of how racist a moment that was. It was so random I haven't forgotten it. I realized quickly she was the crazy one, I had no fear since my friend is bulked up and I'm the one with the umbrella.
But yeah thought I'd share that. First time I clearly had a racist encounter. I've had subtle racist encounters but it could have been misunderstandings but this one was clear as day from the moment she said "if you were to go back to Mexico..." Yeah racism still exists.