Actually the other day when I went to the supermarket I needed to get some sugar. The whole shelf was completely empty except for one packet of brown sugar, Exactly what I was looking for, and I didn't even pray for it. Thankyou Jesus!!!!!!!
now our stores are slowly getting new supplies in (as they would normally do.....) the catch is everything is being limited....
1 pack tp
1 pack water
1 pack ground beef
1 pack sugar
1 pack flour
1 pack kleenex
on all the "basics"
in a way this is good b/c it stops hoarders from buying the entire shelf at once HOWEVER this means multiple trips during the week or one day spent going around town to all the stores.
And in my city, we're not on full lockdown as of yet, but pretty much most places have closed up out of common sense, the grocery stores are becoming a hot spot to hang out at...... I was going to go to my normal shop the otherday until I saw the parking lot was more crowded than the day before Thanksgiving! nooooooooo way I was going in there! You KNOW there wasn't going to be a 5-6 foot distancing (and then people wonder why the number of confirmed cases just increased by 100+ in one day here
