I know this is not the Bible discussion forum.... forum (LOL does that even make sense? ) but the Bible teach us where two or three agrees it will be so. Now my dear friend Ruby, what I would do if I were you is ask God for confirmation in all humbleness.
I will share something with you and maybe it will give you hope.
About three years ago my wife woke up one morning and told me we should put our house in the market and see if we can sell it. Bit impulsive but I have learned over the years that my missus sometimes have an open line to Abba Father and when we are obedient amazing things happen in front of our eyes. The house market at that stage was going into recess and we knew that it was unlikely to sell our house quickly, we were testing the waters so to speak (my elephant friend will understand

). We fixed up one or two small things in the house and asked a friend of ours to advertise the house. It was the Thursday evening. Friday he phoned us and told us somebody wants to view our house the Saturday, and the Sunday we had a full asking offer on the table.... and we signed it. Sold our house in a day or two.
Amazing right? No God is not done yet. We were convinced we were immigrating to Aussie or NZ. But just out of curiosity we were looking at houses to see what is in the market. We saw a place, we loved it and got excited about it. We put in an offer (we couldn't help ourselves), and the offer was rejected. We put in an higher offer.... the offer was rejected. Disobediently we put in another higher offer and we were waiting for the Lord to answer (as if two times NO is not an answer).
Meantime my wife saw a house that was way out of our price range and we recognized the estate agent as a girl that is in our church. We just wanted to have a look but told her before hand we can't afford the asking price. She was willing to show us because the owner was traveling most of the time.
That evening we were viewing this house over looking a certain spot in Jo'burg where the eagles fly. When we arrived there the owner arrived out of the blue and was busy speaking on the phone. We viewed the house, loved it and my wife started speaking to the owner (who was now sitting working on his laptop). He asked her what we think of the place and she said that we love it but it is to expensive. He asked her what we can afford and she gave him a low-ish figure. He said to her the house is yours. He was busy with a deal and needed cash urgently.
We only found out later that he had had multiple higher offers before, rejecting them every time. God's timing was perfect!
That night when we were driving home, the other estate agent phoned us and say "congratulations your offer was accepted on the other house" and we told her about the new house. We now had to choose between the two, but in my view God made it clear where we should stay.
Amazing right? God is not done yet. What we failed to remember is a few years before all of this happened my wife went to a Christian doctor and they started talking about God and Australia. The doctor told my wife that God is showing him that we will not emigrate and we are going to buy a house where the eagles fly. God was loyal to his promise. We just had to obey. But even in our disobedience God was teaching us how to discern and listen to His voice.
We are so happy in this house and I can continue on and on but I think people have stopped reading after the first sentence