We took him to the vet first thing this morning (this happened last night, and I still don't know what actually happened). We didn't get much sleep. I
slept napped on the couch, since he wanted to be in the living room (probably because our other cat sleeps on the sectional).
The vet looked at his eye and said there was no scratch or cut cornea is intact (thank God, and thank you all for praying), he said there was mainly swelling. So the vet didn't see any scratch or sting mark either. I think one of those cumin bugs (forest bug) sprayed him into the eye. These bugs will spray up to a few inches in defense. Maybe I invoked it into existence here recently when I mentioned that I don't like them. I never even want to mention them again, or cumin for that matter, I'm so pissed. What's the coincidence? His eye was very distinctly smelling like it, he was obviously sprayed and it wasn't a cat spray.
So, he gave us drops for his eye and said he should be a lot better in 3 days and he should be all right and his sight fully restored in time and to keep up the drops until he's fully healed. But to come back if we don't see significant improvement in 3 days.
It's going to suck forcing these drops on him I feel like I'm torturing him

And it's 3x a day!