Good morning my brothers and sister's in Christ! The sun is shining ever so beautifully today and since I live in a border city (we border to Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan) we are going across to the US to shop which we usually do once a week. I love it, because there are more stores to shop at that we don't have on this side!

I love shopping ... one of my most favorite things to do!
As for the rep comment ... I am sorry for over-reacting last night. I do feel that this person meant well for the most part like I mentioned ... because it was a nice rep ... but the ending is what bothered me. Most people wouldn't have given it a second thought, however I am extremely sensitive and very analytical ... and I have been saved and live my life for God now and no other, therefore YES I AM going to HEAVEN! I repented of my sins, met with my pastor for an hour and let go of the wicked past, I attend church faithfully every Sunday, I pray all of the time, I pray for forgiveness anytime I slip up ... and I even ordered the Bible (NIV) on DVD and watch it pretty much every night which is narrated so somehow I seem to understand it more than just reading it on it's own. This is the EXACT rep message so I can show you that they were actually meaning well I think.
"Girl you aren't going thru something that isnew. We can't change the past, we can only deal with today..keep your head up, your mind on the prize and I am counting on meeting you then. C'mon, be there, please?"
Yes I had a good day for the most part yesterday ... well until supper time when hubby came home from having a few beer anyway. He went to sleep shortly after he ate and woke up sober around 10 pm and immediately apologized. He works days today (5am-5pm) so he called me at 7:30 am again apologizing. He always apologizes the next day or whenever he sobers up ... but it gets to be sickening after awhile, ya know? For the most part he honestly IS a great guy, a hard worker, an excellent provider, and would do absolutely anything in the world for me. He often helps my elderly parents (daddy is 86, mom is 80), he bought us a nice home, built us a nice cottage, etc ... but the drinking part must stop. I hate myself when he drinks because we end up fighting, and he pushes my buttons so I end up yelling and swearing and sometimes say hateful things. I prayed last night for forgiveness for that ... and if only he would quit drinking!
Anyhow ... going to grab coffee so be back soon. I love you all here! xo