REALLY sad tonight. Had a beautiful day out with my BFF for lunch and shopping again today. Came home with a pounder of a headache so laid down for a little nap in which I hardly slept. The sun was shining and it was relatively warm, therefore people are out walking their dogs etc so my dogs barked their heads off keeping me mostly awake.

Hubby was outside all day .. working in the yard, trimming trees, burning brush, raking the yard and all of that fun stuff. He really is a very hard worker. I got up and began spring cleaning oh yet again, and he comes in ... (of course ... sipping on beer all day/eve) and begins to talk stupid talk. The talk that I detest coming from him. I again blew up cuz he knows how to push me ... and outside he goes again. He came in and had a shower, and said that was it ... that he was coming in and we could have dinner ... he was going to bbq sausages. He went outside and had a few more beer ... and doesn't his buddy Shaun show up and I sit here and watch them drink out on the deck. He came in and said "Oh! Let's order a pizza instead! Is it ok if I sit outside with Shaun? He just showed up and I'm not going to kick him out!" I said whatever. He is outside having a good old time again with his buddy.
Ya know folks, I really feel bad complaining about him all of the time cuz even though he has a drinking problem and he's a jerk most of the time when he drinks ... he honestly IS an awesome guy. He would go ballistic if he knew I was writing this about him. He treats me EXCELLENT when he is not drinking, and when sober, we get along so great. He is off now until Tuesday. Monday is our 10th Anniversary. I wish he would quit his drinking soooooo bad.
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