well, he, at the time a 24 yo idjit, left because she's gay.
he didn't grasp the implications of a lady pastor of a local church.
i know many folks don't see a Biblical proscription against it, and i don't wish to be argumentative...
but his dad did, and showed him in Scripture why he thinks it's wrong.
No problem
I wonder at how people feel that to discuss the Word and having different view points is seen as argumentative much like disagreeing with something said in the Christian realms is looked upon as unloving. Can't help but think the enemy has wormed his way into our midst to silence our voices discussing Truth. Where is the voice of reason? Instead, we are often shamed into silence. You've probably read me saying something of this before. That's because it's one of my pet peeves in christian social circles.
I've heard a couple of things considering Women pastors but I've still not made up my mind on how I feel about it completely.
At one time, I had attended a church where they were so very adamant about NO woman teaching. in fact, the pastor pressed me to agree with him.

Their example: if a boat of people shipwrecked on an Island and they wanted to start a church, they would have to go in search of a man to head it. My thought (which I kept to myself) was: How foolish that was. Whoever was the most knowledgeable, and close to God, should head it regardless for who they were. How could a man be found if they were the only ones on the island? But then this was a rare and obvious man-made scenario.
I guess it will have to be something God will have to change in my heart/mind because I just cannot see where a woman can be outright chosen over a male to lead, if the circumstances are in a normal setting. I don't give it much thought until it comes up in conversation such as now. Is there a limit to the cry for 'male nor female equality in Christ' according to roles or even to how God has defined the order of things.
Definitely some food for thought.