I know, it's just another part of grieving once again.... NO MORE DEATHS PLEASE!!! :'(
So sorry for your loss.

Such a shame it's what brings most of the entire family together.
Hi everyone! Whew..taking a break from chores..its gorgeous outside here today. Making baked beans for my sisters thingy shes going to tonight. Thank you God...for the sunshine today..I praise Your name and delight in all your free gifts to us! Hope everyone has a blessed day too...love u ladies! Miss u JL...Fridays child I love you dearest...enjoy your butterflies..Melita sing your heart out...sorry if I missed a lovely lady I gotta run...ALL OF YOU ARE LOVELY IN CHRIST...back to work...God Bless!
Have fun at your sisters thingy tonight. luv u muchly
Now Blond's next project...back porch to clean de-clutter and spring clean.
My daughter fusses at me all the time to de-clutter.
Oh I know that tune. *sigh* My hubby is chomping at the bit to clean the closet yet again.
But doesn't it feel good when we start to see headway?
A shout out to Heather, Sarah, Mom, and Butterfly. And of course, to the guys as well.
If I missed anyone, my apologies. Sometimes it's hard to go back through and get it all.
Goodnight to all beloved in the Lord.