Ok, so most of you know how I like shiny things, especially pretty lights, right? Well... I was in Goodwill over the weekend browsing through their antique glassware and knickknacks and stuff... and a little gold wire basket caught my eye... it had miniature red and green glass beads hanging on the wire that resembled tiny Christmas lights... and something deep in my subconscious mind stopped me in my tracks and I stood there and stared at the beads for about 15 minutes. I could not walk away from it! It was like I was staring back into time... and a memory was jarred from long, long ago.
I clearly saw my biological mother (of whom I have very little recollection) stringing Christmas beads onto thread for a wreath she was making and I was helping her string them. I must have been around 4 or 5, I guess. I remembered her red hair how it fell onto her shoulders, I remember she had on a white cotton blouse and black slacks, and her face looked drained, like she was very sad.
Then I walked away from the basket. I was going to buy it, it was only $3.99. But I didn't want to remember my mother that way. I just wondered if that's why I like shiny things so much, if it's because it connects me to my mother in my memory.
Anyhooooo..... moving right along!