thats exactally the point im trying to get across in this thread,
As most of you know there are athiests,agnostics,etc,that come to view these threads,and by all means if you feel the need to warn them about hell(in which they dont believe)warn away, slap a few heads around,J/K...But when we are talking to our brothers and sisters in Christ I feel we need to exorcize a little more tact,and show all 9 fruits of the spirit,
&,Long suffering.
against which (as Paul sais) there is no law.
Now dont get me wrong,there are times in which a stern rebuke(or straight charge) is in order,But I feel ,most of the times when one is used its not needed,instead an exortation or simple reproof is more apt to get the point across,
Exortaton=to lift up,
reproof=a gentle guidence,I know the newer books translate reproof as a rebuke but the older ones translate it as a gentle guidence,if it werent different than rebuke it wouldnt be a different word,But thats just my opinion.
And above all when trying to reach someone that thinks you are lost and they are not ,Longsuffering,(or patience)Is called for and needed.I know it can be frusterating to those who know that they know ,what they've read is right ,but the person(or persons) on the other end of the conversation does too.So please exorcize gentle guidence,Who knows you may learn something too.