yes, but salvation coming to people from every nation is still consistent with His having died for all men.
one clinching thing here that doesn't allow us to mess with the language is in 1 John 2:2 - - He is the propitiation four our sins, and not ours only, but the whole world. John isn't just writing to Jews, but to a church made olup of a mixture of Gentiles and Jews, so this cannot possibly mean all nations, here as something distinct from Israelites, and because he write not only ours but the whole world, where "our" is referring to everyone who is in Christ, in the context, he can only mean that Christ did not only die for the sake of those who accept and believe Him but that He literally did die for the whole world.
think about John 3:16 - - it doesn't say for God so loved a handful of specific people He sent His Son. it says for God so loved the world ((cosmos)) - - which means, all.
the passage in Hebrews is really clear language, but in 1 John it is even more clear. i really find no credibility at all in the arguments that Christ only died for a select few. the language doesn't say it, so you have to invent ways to make it say what it doesn't, and other passages confirm He came to offer propitiation to everyone.
it's really just that many reject Him, not that if they changed their mind He would say sorry, i am not your Savior, just other people's.