HUH? Genesis 6 is very clear. The sons of GOD saw that the daughters of MEN were beautiful. And you think they impregnated them from a distance? LOL
Their job for God is ""only"" SERVING GOD in ALL of God's Will and Purpose. They are ROBOTS.
and then when some of These Angels, who became Fallen, ""SAW"" how truly connected God was to this Creation. How God allowed them to Sin and have Forgiveness. No Doubt, in the GARDEN, Satan heard, God say, Eat and DIE. and when they ate and [did not] DIE, next plan of interbreeding and creating Demons were being set into place.
the FIRST RULE of an Angel, NO FREE WILL contact, with human beings.
these Fallen Angels, not only broke no contact with humans, they tried to connect into the human blood line and destroy the Lineage to the Messiah.
Once they saw No Death in the Garden, and the Tree of Life going to be a part of this Plan, the only way to stop it was contaminating the genetic bloodline.
You see, sex, but this was an outright Military Attack against God!
there NEVER was SEX involved!
Jude, even says it means going after Strange Flesh like Sodom & G.
a man wanting a man is as equally sinful as an Angel wanting a Human [Woman] = Strange Flesh.
it's not even about having sex, it is about if you should choose what God says is forbidden.
same sex is Forbidden by God to Human Beings
Angels making themselves visible, tangible, communicative, and then use their power to seduce and plant seed into the womb of human women, is Forbidden by God on a multitude of levels and rules broken
Strange Flesh, is how the Bible calls it.
sorry John, but [[Strange Flesh]], is not a term that in any way/shape/form/manner can mean sexual activities
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