Factually in History and real life timeline, Moses, doesn't happen until Noah, then Abraham, then Joseph into Egypt.
These people knew because Noah and his sons told what happened in Genesis 6 that caused the Flood.
then Moses, gets first hand knowledge and reason when GOD, GOD HIMSELF, fills in what happened between Genesis 1:1 until Moses is born.
From Noah to Moses, this Story, of Genesis 6 and why God killed them with the Flood, was only 500 years old. So, there is no mistakes in how they understand what GOD is saying about Genesis 6.
nothing you add about sex is anywhere close to what God said it's about.
Bible says, God is not a liar, but that all men are.
you basically are saying you don't care what God said it meant to mean.
that is Rebellion.
same as Witchcraft.