Isaiah 53:3. ...He was despised and rejected....
He told His own that if they were of the world, the world would love them, but if not, they would be hated.
I submit that the effect of false prophets, hirelings, wolves, doctrines of demons, the traditions of men, etc., etc., has cost the body of Christ much in every way.
Just one one of these that I have listed can quench the Spirit and do despite to the grace of God and His plan of the ages concerning His body.
God has left the building and placed a sign on the front door reading 'Ichabod' the Lord has left this place.
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. love, and unity. Minus His presence and blessing, there is confusion, smugness, a lack of natural affection, and death.
I submit that He is still despised and rejected and that by His own. If it were not true, the soul that truly sells out, forsaking all, no compromise would not feel so isolated, and yes...rejected by the very ones that proclaim His name. A zeal without knowledge.
Ever learning and learning and learning but never coming to the knowledge of truth!
'My people perish for a lack of (true) knowledge'. Spiritual understanding. Lacking in agape love for everyone is making their own cisterns that cannot hold the living water that the Christ has provided.
There is a way that seems right unto a man ( the church) but it leads to death, spiritual apathy and ignorance.
Contrary to popular church belief, God's way is the better way.
So as long as business continues as usual, the remnant will always be despised and set apart as oddities. Pariahs!