We have 32 verses to work with in Genesis chapter one. Even all the books in the world could not show us all we can learn from the first chapter in the Bible. "Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written." (John 21:25) All time and all history can be summed up in 32 verses.
There is so much information packed into the first three chapters so that we have the rest of the Bible to help us to understand those first three chapters. We have creation (ch1), the generations (ch2), the serpent and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (ch3). I get stuck on the word "evil" and trying to understand what that is all about.
I think you are as much in awe of scripture as I am! But it grieves me to hear people read things in it that it does not say.
God lives in an eternal world, His perceptions are so much more in detail and complete then ours are. When people decided that God told them the world was limited in age and science said differently people flocked to the non believing side, and if you look at it closely, scripture did not say that. Science has helped us understand.
Think of the time people said scripture said the world was flat! When we let science and scripture work together, science helps us understand the Lord.
God has to make things beyond our selves so we can understand. I think it is wonderful how he uses things we know to explain to us. Like using water to explain spiritual cleanliness, and just think of the spiritual explanation salt gives us!