I wish I could gather all God's children and input all about law, it is SO important, because sin kills, and the law defines sin. Christ forgives and wipes out our sin. It is really as simple as that, but my what curves man has thrown in!
At the same time, so much of God enters in. Grace, works, legalism, disobedience, love, the Holy Spirit within us, repentance, Moses, gentile/Jew relations, I could go on and on. And to complicate it all, Paul's fight with the Jewish church reported in Acts and how desperately Paul fought for the truth. We look at that fight through 2013 minds, and don't understand Paul's words at all. We only know discipline is gone from our churches so the devil is let in, and God's children want God back in the church.
So we use it to fight about. No wonder Alexis threw up her hands.
At the same time, so much of God enters in. Grace, works, legalism, disobedience, love, the Holy Spirit within us, repentance, Moses, gentile/Jew relations, I could go on and on. And to complicate it all, Paul's fight with the Jewish church reported in Acts and how desperately Paul fought for the truth. We look at that fight through 2013 minds, and don't understand Paul's words at all. We only know discipline is gone from our churches so the devil is let in, and God's children want God back in the church.
So we use it to fight about. No wonder Alexis threw up her hands.