If we are trying to "save ourselves", trying to "sustain, maintain" and somehow "protect" our own salvation, then we are no different than blind guides leading another blind guides. (Matthew 15:14) We just can't do it, even with our so called "best of intentions" and I'm also sure that we've all heard of the say "the highway to hell
is paved with good intentions".
We have to keep in mind that our hearts are so deceitful and desperately wicked, that, let's put it this way ... no matter how "open-minded" or "self-forgiving" or how familiar we feel that we are to our own evil ways, God know the worst of us to the point where, just a small glimpse of our worst sin is enough to haunt us in our nightmares till the end of days
if God ever choose to reveal that to us. We just "can't take it", we won't be able to handle it. May we be thankful that God is merciful in not revealing our true worst self to us.
Apostle Peter who have said in John 6:68, "Lord, to whom shall we go to, you have the word of eternal life", such level of devotion is easy to see why Peter would think that he would lay down his life for Jesus, even though Jesus said, "Peter, please don't overestimate yourself, before the rooster crows, you will deny me three time", and I'm sure Peter refused to believe that, until that actually happened right before his very eyes, and and Peter wepts.
1 Cor 10:12 - if you think you are standing firm, be careful do not fall
the possibility of sin exist
Therefore, sin nature exist
John 8:7 - he who is without sin, let him be the first to cast a stone
Apostle Peter is disqualified to cast a stone, how much more disqualified are those who believe in false doctrine of sinless perfectionist
and also
John 3:17 - Jesus came not to condemn but to save
Adam gave us the curse of sin
Jesus gave us the gift of eternal life (summarized version of Romans 5)
these should be enough scripture to focus on for now,
let us meditate
We have to keep in mind that our hearts are so deceitful and desperately wicked, that, let's put it this way ... no matter how "open-minded" or "self-forgiving" or how familiar we feel that we are to our own evil ways, God know the worst of us to the point where, just a small glimpse of our worst sin is enough to haunt us in our nightmares till the end of days
Apostle Peter who have said in John 6:68, "Lord, to whom shall we go to, you have the word of eternal life", such level of devotion is easy to see why Peter would think that he would lay down his life for Jesus, even though Jesus said, "Peter, please don't overestimate yourself, before the rooster crows, you will deny me three time", and I'm sure Peter refused to believe that, until that actually happened right before his very eyes, and and Peter wepts.
1 Cor 10:12 - if you think you are standing firm, be careful do not fall
the possibility of sin exist
Therefore, sin nature exist
John 8:7 - he who is without sin, let him be the first to cast a stone
Apostle Peter is disqualified to cast a stone, how much more disqualified are those who believe in false doctrine of sinless perfectionist
and also
John 3:17 - Jesus came not to condemn but to save
Adam gave us the curse of sin
Jesus gave us the gift of eternal life (summarized version of Romans 5)
these should be enough scripture to focus on for now,
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