Its sad.
Both Armenian and Calvin views (fatalism) have major flaws in their doctrines.
The truth is Gods elect are saved (just not the way Calvin views it) and eternal security (also known by many as OSAS) is biblical fact.
Instead of studying a view. i think we would be better set to just study the word and not follow men
Both Armenian and Calvin views (fatalism) have major flaws in their doctrines.
The truth is Gods elect are saved (just not the way Calvin views it) and eternal security (also known by many as OSAS) is biblical fact.
Instead of studying a view. i think we would be better set to just study the word and not follow men
How about read the Bible to know God, I see the entire Bible as one big Love story to us all. To see we make choices that end up not good for us. that seem good for us at first, yet end up not good. That has been my experiences. Seeing this: now, God continues to try to get me to see what is not good for me, that appears as is good for me. I see it and yet see bad habits also, as I see now this:
The Law is best for me to see it as good for me in the long haul, over the short haul as in Psalms 1, now in the New Testament with Jesus as risen, it is Love that overcomes evil, evil is doing others wrong over wanting to not die. Even though all die in the flesh to this day all have. I see God not trying to save our flesh, rather our Souls in belief to Son's done work for them to walk new in his resurrected life of love to all, whether or not another loves us or not
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