Jesus claimed all the power and authority there is .
, of restored visible rulership in the highest I gather you cant quite accept His current position since you cant see Him , be assured His power is by no means limited by your sight.
Hi Hitch,
Good talking to you. Yes we agree that Jesus, when He ascended up on high to the Father`s right hand, then He was given all power and authority far above all. (Eph. 1: 20 - 22) Now the Father is Spirit, (John 4: 24) and no one has seen Him or can see Him, as He dwells in unapproachable light. (1 Tim. 6: 16)
Thus that throne, (authority) is beyond any to see. So when Christ is appointed in the third heaven, (angelic realm) we will be able to visibly see Him with all that authority and power that the Father gave Him.
However at the moment the Lord Jesus Christ is on the Father`s throne till the Father says for Him to go to His own throne. Those two are mentioned in Rev. 3: 21.
Here is a diagram of these thrones.