We know the first churches had so much power that Christianity grew even in the face of the severe persecution of the church. We are going to be facing the same kind of persecution. Do we have the strength to face death for our faith?
How can we make our church stronger so we have this much power again?
believe the same things they believed the things Jesus taught and follow after those things they recorded and left for us to believe , instructed us to never part from .
denominations have weakened the church dramatically we argue much more over jots and tittles than ever coming together . I mean there have been bloody wars fought over denominational loyalty and division
if the doctrine remains the four gospels God will move , false doctrines crept in and did a lot of damage still everyday new ideas about why Jesus doesn’t apply are spun a new book written about revolutionary beliefs that cracked some hidden code and they have the real answer
hundreds of ideas and still only one true way of salvation exactly like the lord Jesus said
we’ve gotten away from the truth to the point the church can agree on very little a house divided and all