wow brother this is just really good food a pleasure to read
“all of the Bible is one cohesive love letter from our God to us.”
amen and amen and amen again that’s where revelation exists brother
I believe strongly when a person comes to that realization that the entire Bible is geared towards revealing Christ Jesus and the gospel to believers it will change everything for thier faith and understanding of the gospel and complete reliance on Jesus the Lord having no need or lack of anything else regarding our eternal souls
I can remember the day I realized the Bible isn’t a mysterious book that can’t be understood except by certain chosen folks and that it’s actually a complete and comprehensive introduction to Jesus Christ our lord for all eternity and is meant for all of us
its when the Bible came alive in my heart
“all of the Bible is one cohesive love letter from our God to us.”
amen and amen and amen again that’s where revelation exists brother
I believe strongly when a person comes to that realization that the entire Bible is geared towards revealing Christ Jesus and the gospel to believers it will change everything for thier faith and understanding of the gospel and complete reliance on Jesus the Lord having no need or lack of anything else regarding our eternal souls
I can remember the day I realized the Bible isn’t a mysterious book that can’t be understood except by certain chosen folks and that it’s actually a complete and comprehensive introduction to Jesus Christ our lord for all eternity and is meant for all of us
its when the Bible came alive in my heart
"He is Risen! He is risen indeed!!!" are words that will be ringing out throughout this joyous day!
Jesus revealed Himself to Mary that morning and told her to ",,,go to My brethren and say to them, I am ascending to My Father and your Father and to 'My God and your God,'" (John 20: 17). Notice how the risen Jesus refers to His disciples as "brethren," brothers and sisters, family members united together under God as their Father. What a special calling we have been given where we as Christians are one family under our one God: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Later in the evening on that Sunday, Jesus apparently just appeared out of thin air "when the doors were shut" (v. 19) to tell His brethren, "Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you" (v. 21). The peace Jesus is referring to is much more powerful than simply an absence from conflict and war. It is that peace of mind that drives away doubt and fear. As He was sent to proclaim the gospel, we as His disciples are commissioned to spread those "glad tidings" to others!
Have an awesome Easter, brethren, and let's bask in the peace of our risen Lord!
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