I'm ok I'm getting more ahead of there attacks and more loving than I can remember but the reality is where in trouble folks and here is why..
as you know we have a pretty unique arangment of planets and a star the sun we have life... a beautiful creation...
a creation that could have only been created by an intelligent light..
check this out brothers if one planet falls out of sink not only do the rest of the planet die so does our star..
the planet that circle our star all release gases which because the sun jets out gases contantly them gasses constantly make there way back to the sun with the gases from the other planets which means life will exist for ever..
because of the magnetic pull of the sun we circle the sun.. and because of the magnetic pull of the other planets such as our moon and other planets we don't get sucked into the sun...
the sun has such a huge magnetic force that it can fly our planet through space at wopping great speed.. that's a huge amount of force to pull such a huge planet like ours at super speeds..
why doesn't it get sucked into the sun ? ,,,,,,,my logic is intelligent design..
and also the magnetic forces from our moon and rotation and magnetic forces from other planets stop that from happening..
why is our planet self sustainable,,, my logic intelligent design....
its the same for our star folks it collects gases from the plannets that orbit it a star that can never burn out unless one plannet dies.. folks if we don't go solar powered soon where done for.. because our planet plays a key role in keepin the other planets in orbit to..
folks we need to pray for us all to have electric cars within three years or the mindless creations that have been deceiving us all will win.. and folks these mindless creations have turned many people mindless ... this is why there is so many polluting people with mindless attitudes ,, me to ... only with me the people of this world also played a key role in helping them.. anyways folks its time .... and its time and its running peoples because the earth needs gases and oil my peoples.. not cars and cookers .....the earth needs its fuel not us .. we need prayer folk or lucifers prophecy in the new testament of us burning will come true...
don't let it happen my people pray pray pray...