well, perhaps you've not yet been called to Christ.
a crushed and contrite spirit is needed.
you don't just go and say, OKAY - save me...or OKAY, show yourself.
the fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom.
John 6
44“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day. 45It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.’d Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me.
i'll write to you later today Grey.
IF YOU ARE SINCERE in wanting to know.
we start with The Law, and what it says about ALL of us.
no one is exempt from it's terror and decrees against us.
and, worse than that - IT CAN NOT SAVE US.
the Law can't save us, it can not sanctify us or cleanse us or conform us into being like Jesus.
it can only ORDER US to do and not do.
it doesn't have the power to change us - BECAUSE YOU ARE AT WAR WITH GOD, CURRENTLY HATING HIM.
(the Bible says that - and all we who have been saved will tell you the same - we too were once that way).
and that hasn't changed. The doesn't change - but was fulfilled FOR you by One who was perfect.
if you reject Him - you are left with The Law.
it can't save you, it will rightly condemn you to hell.
it shows God's Holiness; His Standards; His expectations.
so later we can look at His Law and perhaps you will experience some Fear of God.
that's the beginning of wisdom (from Him)...knowing that we DO NEED to FEAR HIM.
because without the 2nd part of what we will discuss (the remedy to our inability to be saved by His Holy and Good Law) - which is the Gospel (Good News of Christ)....without Christ, we are UNDER THE LAW...by which we will be condemned and go off into hell.
Fear Him.
we'll discuss the Law and what it demands, if you want to.