God's wife to be, walks straight down the isle, two miles will she go if asked to go one;
for The Son is calling and she should not be stalling to do her part...
it's all about stewardship, it's about our hearts that only Jesus can change from our old-ones -
it's not about thinking that we are always right or in control of ourselves, or possessions,
or even teaching others what 'we think', it's all about what our Saviour has so personally put
inside of us; His Holy Spirit, this is our New Door, and prayerfully, this is His New Door for all
of us who Love and Adore Him for showing us that this is the only way into His future for His chosen...
it's our only true and real confidence that we really belong to Him, through our Love/obedience,
worship/thankfulness that can only come from His Holy Being...
it is truly the only proof of a real 'life-changing experience', it's His prophetic structure created by Him,
for us...
but never forget, that God allows serpents, just like He allowed in the 'garden'...
READ/LEARN/RECEIVE, His instructions...Honor and Obey your Holy Master',
and try your very best to 'over-come' the old worldly ways of always trying to be right,
and striving to have the 'last-word'...
we speak in Christ's Love to our Brothers and Sisters...

for The Son is calling and she should not be stalling to do her part...
it's all about stewardship, it's about our hearts that only Jesus can change from our old-ones -
it's not about thinking that we are always right or in control of ourselves, or possessions,
or even teaching others what 'we think', it's all about what our Saviour has so personally put
inside of us; His Holy Spirit, this is our New Door, and prayerfully, this is His New Door for all
of us who Love and Adore Him for showing us that this is the only way into His future for His chosen...
it's our only true and real confidence that we really belong to Him, through our Love/obedience,
worship/thankfulness that can only come from His Holy Being...
it is truly the only proof of a real 'life-changing experience', it's His prophetic structure created by Him,
for us...
but never forget, that God allows serpents, just like He allowed in the 'garden'...
READ/LEARN/RECEIVE, His instructions...Honor and Obey your Holy Master',
and try your very best to 'over-come' the old worldly ways of always trying to be right,
and striving to have the 'last-word'...
we speak in Christ's Love to our Brothers and Sisters...