( This is basically just a copy of post #83 - with attached images embedded - to make it more readable... )
DISCLAIMER: The following discussion is naturally based on my 'world-view' - the collective summation of my knowledge, understanding, and perspectives of the reality which is "my world"...
First, I need to define some terms...
The following are the characteristically distinguishable 'realms' of human existence - as determined by
~ Physical
~ Physiological
~ Psychological
~ Mental
~ Emotional
~ Spiritual
'Physical' is the realm of the passive components of the body.
'Physiological' is the realm of active processes of the body - where direct communication (electrical or chemical) occurs within a body component or between body components.
'Psychological' is the realm of active processes of the brain - where physical-reality perception-and-thought occur.
'Mental' is the realm of intellect - where the thought and reasoning of the mind occur.
'Emotional' is the realm of feelings/desires - where the thought and reasoning of the heart occur.
'Spiritual' is the realm of the living essence of the person.
The following defines different identifiable "parts" of a human being in terms of the 'realms' of human existance that each occupies:
The brain overlaps both the body and the mind (which do not overlap) - connecting them together - and is the "portal" through which the body and the mind communicate - and through which the spirit keeps the body alive. At death ("brain dead"), the connection is broken and the body separates from the mind. The mind continues (because it still has the spirit), but the body stops functioning (because the brain is no longer being kept alive by the spirit - and the body cannot live without the brain).
"the real person" => mind + heart + spirit
The spirit is the "life-force" - which is "God-breathed" - that quickens the soul (and the body, while it is present).
The 'identity' of a person rests in the 'soul' => mind + heart
Both the mind and the heart have "thoughts":
The "feelings" and "desires" of the heart are two "facets" of the same thing.
"head knowledge" is based on the "intellect" of the mind.
"heart knowledge" is based on the "feelings"/"desires" of the heart.
In the Bible, the usage of the words 'heart' and 'soul' have [somewhat] different meanings, depending on the context of scripture.
However - in most cases, if not all, where the idea of "thoughts of the heart" is represented -- it is referring to the feelings/desires of the heart --- mostly, desires (intents) of the heart.