Yous is puttin a hurt on mah brain!
No way I could suffer reading this whole thread, so apologize if this has come up, but is there some dispute over what a covenant is?
Is it not an agreement, a contract, and doesn't any covenant require at least two parties, despite who drafted the contract?
Well actually, there are two kinds of covenants:
bilateral and conditional - as in Ge 17,
Abrahamic, and Ex 19-24,
Mosaic (Sinaitic)
where both parties
participate in the covenant,
and violation by either party nullifies the covenant
unilateral and unconditional - as in Ge 15:9-21,
land covenant; 2Sa 7:5-16,
Davidic; Jer 31:31-34,
God is the only participant in a unilateral covenant.
The other parties are simply
Only God can break a unilateral covenant, because he is the only one committing to performance in it,
as in the land covenant, Davidic covenant, new covenant.
Covenants are "cut" (ratified) in blood,
of animals in the OT, and of Christ in the NT.
But covenants are made by God, not by the one (animal or human) whose blood is spilled.
Would one not be in covenant with the Lord Jesus, accepting His contract by faith?
God cut the new covenant (Jer 31:31-34) in the blood of Christ,
which blood atoned for the sin of those who believe in him. (Ro 3:25).
Christ is the mediator, between
God and man in the new covenant, he is not its author.
And we are
recipients of the new covenant,
there is no
performance of good works required of us to enter into the new covenant,
we enter only by
faith in Jesus Christ.
How can there be a covenant without parties (plural) to it?
Or, in other words, say God's covenant of the law with Israel:
was it not expected Israel keep those laws, as the second party to God's covenant?
Yes, the Mosaic (Sinaitic) covenant was a bilateral conditional covenant,
dependant on the performance of all parties to the covenant to keep it in force.
Y'alls bes a seein whut ahs a drivin et? Huh?
(If y'all likes, I gots sum swamp land be mighty 'blidged ta covenant y'all, iffins y'all don be needin no broom jumpin fer me pickin in yer cookie jar...)
I bees seein' what chu's talkin' 'bout.
You bees seein' what I's talkin' 'bout?