"eXric, post: 5053755, member: 314989"]would of been fine if you did. Not trying to hide that fact. I was going to ask you if you had a bad experience with someone calling themselves a prophet? It would make some sense if that was the case. Seems you said something about non-prophetic people calling themselves a prophet and hurting people. This is one of the reason I have issues with some charismatic teachings. Seems most people that call themselves prophets are not what they say. It is a scam to make money and and be popular. This is said but true. I personally have meet to many of them. It is usually very easy to spot them. Because the Holy Spirit gift of discernment. Well people that do not have that gift it might not be that easy. Bible says you can spot them by their fruit, which is most usefully. Many false prophets try to quote the bible very well till they need to twist it to their liking, but just a little twist, to not be discovered. They seek the praises of man. etc.
Nope. No bad experience with someone calling themself a prophet.
Yes everyone should study a lot in the bible. Question everything, even the teachings of all others. Search it out for themselves. Many people read the bible and do not really study it. If some big popular church leader says something many people just agree and say they studied it, because they believe that person did the studying for them. It is good to study, but do the work yourselves also. Praying to God to help you understand the scriptures is also good. Bible being the inspired word of God is cool, but humans getting many different types or versions of the bible is not so much. This is where a person needs to study the writing texts and look at the different ways and different versions try to tell to understand it.
If a person can or will not do this and just relies on others that seem smart enough to tell them, I would not call that really studying but it is still some studying done.
We are to renew our minds according to the word, which simply means to agree with what is written in order to align our thoughts with God's truth and what He says. We do not align ourselves visions and other people's experience which is subjective at best and deceptive at worst.
Well a scribe from my understanding is a person that writes down what another person says.
Yes I do realize cults do that. Also some of those call themselves Christian too. Christian Churches also do this, where them esteem a bible version above another, write their own translation version of a bible, esteem a church leaders writings to high, maybe also there preaching, and esteem their doctrine and or viewpoint and or theology above scriptures.
I do not know nor do I presume to know, just how the Holy Spirit had men in the OT write what they did. Impression? Audible? The Bible does not say in most instances. If you state you simply write what God tells you, then it seems we may have to add some books to the Bible. smh However what I do know, is that many presume to speak for God and because people have not applied themself to the truth, they give their itching ears to the false.
Nope. No bad experience with someone calling themself a prophet.
Yes everyone should study a lot in the bible. Question everything, even the teachings of all others. Search it out for themselves. Many people read the bible and do not really study it. If some big popular church leader says something many people just agree and say they studied it, because they believe that person did the studying for them. It is good to study, but do the work yourselves also. Praying to God to help you understand the scriptures is also good. Bible being the inspired word of God is cool, but humans getting many different types or versions of the bible is not so much. This is where a person needs to study the writing texts and look at the different ways and different versions try to tell to understand it.
If a person can or will not do this and just relies on others that seem smart enough to tell them, I would not call that really studying but it is still some studying done.
We are to renew our minds according to the word, which simply means to agree with what is written in order to align our thoughts with God's truth and what He says. We do not align ourselves visions and other people's experience which is subjective at best and deceptive at worst.
Well a scribe from my understanding is a person that writes down what another person says.
Yes I do realize cults do that. Also some of those call themselves Christian too. Christian Churches also do this, where them esteem a bible version above another, write their own translation version of a bible, esteem a church leaders writings to high, maybe also there preaching, and esteem their doctrine and or viewpoint and or theology above scriptures.
I do not know nor do I presume to know, just how the Holy Spirit had men in the OT write what they did. Impression? Audible? The Bible does not say in most instances. If you state you simply write what God tells you, then it seems we may have to add some books to the Bible. smh However what I do know, is that many presume to speak for God and because people have not applied themself to the truth, they give their itching ears to the false.
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