I am a firm believer in the pretribulation rapture and am grieved when those who do not have the same belief belittle those who do. For those who have titled us escapists may I say that our Lord told us to pray that we may escape the wrath to come.
All who have been born again will go to be with the Lord while He pours out His wrath on those who have rejected His grace. Our current situation as grim as it may seem is but the beginning of sorrows as Jesus told us in Matthew 24. The continual rejection of Christian morals and beliefs as it gathers momentum is fulfilling Psalm 2, but the end is not yet. We should watch therefore for we do not know precisely when he will come. The climax of the tribulation will be the return of Christ to the earth when as Jude says "He will come with ten thousands of His saints and restore the kingdom to repentant Israel. He will reign on the throne of his father David for 1000years and His followers will reign with him. I cannot see why some are not looking up for our redemption is nigh, But I thank God that we will all be together with Him.
All who have been born again will go to be with the Lord while He pours out His wrath on those who have rejected His grace. Our current situation as grim as it may seem is but the beginning of sorrows as Jesus told us in Matthew 24. The continual rejection of Christian morals and beliefs as it gathers momentum is fulfilling Psalm 2, but the end is not yet. We should watch therefore for we do not know precisely when he will come. The climax of the tribulation will be the return of Christ to the earth when as Jude says "He will come with ten thousands of His saints and restore the kingdom to repentant Israel. He will reign on the throne of his father David for 1000years and His followers will reign with him. I cannot see why some are not looking up for our redemption is nigh, But I thank God that we will all be together with Him.
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